RavenBlack Games |
Shalvea points the digit of his left hand.
Shalvea points the digit of his right hand.
Fathomless points the digit of his left hand.
Fathomless points the digit of his right hand.
Fathomless casts Magic Missile at Shalvea.
Fathomless casts Magic Missile at Shalvea.
Shalvea is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
Shalvea is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
The Ice Elemental runs amok!
Fathomless is frozen for 3 damage.
Shalvea is frozen for 3 damage.
Ice Elemental | Health:3 - Coldproof(permanent) |
Owned by: Nobody | Attacking: Everyone |
Shalvea(0) | Health:4 |
Fathomless(6) | Health:11 |
Turn:012345678901234 LH:BS--DSFWCSWWSD> RH:BP--DSFWCSWWSD> |