RavenBlack Games |
Shalvea's left hand is paralysed.
Shalvea points the digit of his left hand.
Shalvea proffers the palm of his right hand.
Shalvea casts Magic Missile at Silly_Guy.
Shalvea casts Counter Spell at himself.
Silly_Guy claps.
Silly_Guy casts Disease at Shalvea.
Shalvea is covered by a magical glowing shield.
Shalvea's shield turns a greenish hue for a moment.
Silly_Guy is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
Shalvea(0) | Health:15 - Shield(1) |
Turn:012345678901234567890 LH:BWSWWSDWS???FPSDPPSFW RH:BDWWWPPWS???PSDW>>DFF |
Silly_Guy(0) | Health:14 |
Turn:012345678901234567890 LH:BFPSFWCSWWS???WPP---- RH:BDSFFFCPPWS???SFW---- |