




RavenBlack Games

Spell Reference

Turn 18 in Very Friendly (ParaFC) (Maladroit) Battle 90974

Prulon says "Gg :)".
Prulon wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Prulon proffers the palm of his right hand.
Prulon casts Paralysis at Fathomless.
Prulon casts Cause Light Wounds at Fathomless.
Fathomless proffers the palm of his left hand.
Fathomless proffers the palm of his right hand.
Fathomless casts Remove Enchantment at Mailing-list Troll.
Fathomless casts Shield at himself.
Fathomless casts his banked Magic Missile at Prulon.
Fathomless's hands start to stiffen.
Mailing-list Troll is hit by Remove Enchantment, and starts coming apart at the seams.
Fathomless is covered by a shimmering shield.
Prulon is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
Wounds appear all over Fathomless's body!
Prulon directs Mailing-list Troll to attack Fathomless.
Prulon directs Smelly Goblin to attack Fathomless.
Mailing-list Troll attacks Fathomless, but is deflected by a shield.
Smelly Goblin attacks Fathomless, but is deflected by a shield.
Mailing-list Troll dies.
Fathomless dies.
Prulon is victorious!
Smelly GoblinHealth:1
Owned by: Prulon Attacking: Nobody

Registered! Prulon(10)Health:12

Fathomless(6)Dead. - Paralysed(1)