




RavenBlack Games

Spell Reference

Turn 8 in Very Friendly (ParaFC) (Maladroit) Battle 90827

Construct's right hand is paralysed.
Construct says "You're doing good! Keep up. When you get a bit more training you can start playing against other players and friends.".
Construct wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Construct proffers the palm of his right hand.
Construct casts Shield at himself.
Wearian proffers the palm of his left hand.
Wearian proffers the palm of his right hand.
Wearian casts Shield at himself.
Wearian casts Shield at himself.
Construct is covered by a shimmering shield.
Wearian is covered by a shimmering shield.
Wearian is covered by a shimmering shield.
Construct directs Malodorous Goblin to attack Wearian.
Construct directs Grey Goblin to attack Wearian.
Construct directs Smelly Goblin to attack Terrible Ogre.
Malodorous Goblin attacks Wearian, but is deflected by a shield.
Grey Goblin attacks Wearian, but is deflected by a shield.
Smelly Goblin attacks Terrible Ogre for 1 damage.
Terrible Ogre attacks Construct, but is deflected by a shield.
Wearian surrenders.
Construct is victorious!
Malodorous GoblinHealth:1
Owned by: Construct Attacking: Wearian
Grey GoblinHealth:1
Owned by: Construct Attacking: Wearian
Smelly GoblinHealth:1
Owned by: Construct Attacking: Terrible Ogre
Terrible OgreHealth:1
Owned by: Wearian Attacking: Construct


Wearian(0)Surrendered. (Health: 5)