




RavenBlack Games

Spell Reference

Turn 9 in Very Friendly Battle 90995

Turn 0
Feet bows.
Barael bows.
Turn 1
Feet snaps the fingers of his left hand.
Feet proffers the palm of his right hand.
Feet casts Shield at himself.
Barael snaps the fingers of his left hand.
Barael waves his right hand.
Feet is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 2
Feet wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Feet proffers the palm of his right hand.
Feet casts Shield at himself.
Barael wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Barael waves his right hand.
Feet is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 3
Feet wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Feet snaps the fingers of his right hand.
Barael waves his left hand.
Barael proffers the palm of his right hand.
Barael casts Summon Goblin at himself.
Barael casts Protection at the monster Barael is summoning with his left hand.
Small Goblin is summoned to serve Barael.
Small Goblin is surrounded by a thick shimmering shield.
Barael directs Small Goblin to attack the monster Feet is summoning with his left hand.
Small Goblin swings wildly for the monster Feet is summoning with his left hand, but misses.
Turn 4
Feet proffers the palm of his left hand.
Feet points the digit of his right hand.
Feet casts Shield at himself.
Feet casts Magic Missile at Barael.
Barael waves his left hand.
Barael proffers the palm of his right hand.
Barael casts Counter Spell at himself.
Barael is covered by a magical glowing shield.
Feet is covered by a shimmering shield.
A magic missile bounces off Barael's shield.
Barael directs Small Goblin to attack Feet.
Small Goblin attacks Feet, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 5
Feet snaps the fingers of his left hand.
Feet proffers the palm of his right hand.
Feet casts Shield at himself.
Barael waves his left hand.
Barael waves his right hand.
Feet is covered by a shimmering shield.
Small Goblin attacks Feet, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 6
Feet wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Feet waves his right hand.
Barael snaps the fingers of his left hand.
Barael snaps the fingers of his right hand.
Barael casts Invisibility at himself.
Barael begins to shimmer.
Small Goblin attacks Feet for 1 damage.
There is a flash, and Barael disappears!
Turn 7
Feet points the digit of his left hand.
Feet proffers the palm of his right hand.
Feet casts Shield at himself.
Feet is covered by a shimmering shield.
Small Goblin attacks Feet, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 8
Feet proffers the palm of his left hand.
Feet makes no gesture with his right hand.
Feet casts Shield at the monster Barael is summoning with his left hand.
Smelly Goblin is summoned to serve Barael.
Feet cringes in fear.
Smelly Goblin is covered by a shimmering shield.
Barael directs Small Goblin to attack Feet.
Barael directs Smelly Goblin to attack Feet.
Small Goblin attacks Feet for 1 damage.
Smelly Goblin attacks Feet for 1 damage.
Turn 9
Feet quakes in fear!
Feet proffers the palm of his left hand.
Feet proffers the palm of his right hand.
Feet casts Shield at himself.
Feet casts Shield at himself.
Feet is covered by a shimmering shield.
Feet is covered by a shimmering shield.
Barael attacks Feet, but is deflected by a shield.
Small Goblin attacks Feet, but is deflected by a shield.
Smelly Goblin attacks Feet, but is deflected by a shield.
Barael fades back into visibility.
Feet surrenders.
Barael is victorious!
Small GoblinHealth:1
Owned by: Barael Attacking: Feet
Smelly GoblinHealth:1
Owned by: Barael Attacking: Feet

Feet(0)Surrendered. (Health: 12)

Registered! Barael(0)Health:15