




RavenBlack Games

Spell Reference

Turn 43 in Very Friendly (ParaFC) (Maladroit) Battle 90940

Turn 0
BioLogIn bows.
succat bows.
Turn 1
BioLogIn says "Greetings, succat. Greatness, but at what cost?".
succat says "Hey! Welcome back...on SuperBowl Sunday no less".
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his right hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat points the digit of his right hand.
Turn 2
BioLogIn says "Well, no offence, but Superbowl is not a huge deal outside US, so I would be hard forced to guess even the months when it occurs =) But good for you, I guess =)".
succat says "The cost of the possibility of humiliating defeat and knowing that I didn't hold on to the Spires tight enough".
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Shield at himself.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 3
succat says "It's good to hear your perspective on SuperBowl. We Americans tend to believe the world revolves around us :)".
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at himself.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat waves his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at himself.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 4
BioLogIn's right hand is paralysed.
succat's right hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn says "(No offence meant, of course.)".
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn points the digit of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
BioLogIn casts Magic Missile at succat.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at himself.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
succat shakes his head and regains control, as enchantments cancel each other out.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
A magic missile bounces off succat's shield.
Turn 5
succat says ":)".
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn waves his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at himself.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at BioLogIn.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn shakes his head and regains control, as enchantments cancel each other out.
Turn 6
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at himself.
BioLogIn casts Shield at himself.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at BioLogIn.
succat casts Shield at himself.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn shakes his head and regains control, as enchantments cancel each other out.
BioLogIn is covered by a shimmering shield.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 7
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at himself.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at BioLogIn.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn shakes his head and regains control, as enchantments cancel each other out.
Turn 8
BioLogIn stabs with his left hand.
BioLogIn points the digit of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Magic Missile at succat.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at himself.
succat casts Anti-spell at BioLogIn.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn's half-done spells fizzle and die.
succat is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
BioLogIn attacks succat for 1 damage.
Turn 9
succat's right hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn waves his left hand.
BioLogIn waves his right hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at BioLogIn.
succat casts Shield at himself.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 10
BioLogIn's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Shield at himself.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat waves his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at BioLogIn.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 11
BioLogIn's left hand is paralysed.
succat says "Know me too well :)".
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Counter Spell at himself.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at BioLogIn.
BioLogIn is covered by a magical glowing shield.
BioLogIn's shield blurs for a moment.
Turn 12
BioLogIn says "Goes both ways =)".
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat waves his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at himself.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
succat shakes his head and regains control, as enchantments cancel each other out.
Turn 13
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Nobody.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
The haze of an enchantment spell drifts aimlessly over the circle, and dissipates.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 14
succat's left hand is paralysed.
succat says "bold move, congrats".
BioLogIn waves his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Summon Ogre at himself.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat flailingly half-claps with his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Counter Spell at BioLogIn.
BioLogIn is covered by a magical glowing shield.
BioLogIn's Ogre is absorbed into a Counterspell glow.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 15
succat's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn says "what's the worst that could have happened? =)".
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at Nobody.
succat flailingly half-claps with his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
The haze of an enchantment spell drifts aimlessly over the circle, and dissipates.
Turn 16
succat says "we can take all the risks in a VF".
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Cause Light Wounds at succat.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Wounds appear all over succat's body!
Turn 17
succat's right hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat waves his left hand.
succat flailingly half-claps with his right hand.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 18
succat's right hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat flailingly half-claps with his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 19
succat's right hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn waves his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Summon Giant at himself.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat flailingly half-claps with his right hand.
succat casts Counter Spell at BioLogIn.
BioLogIn is covered by a magical glowing shield.
BioLogIn's Giant is absorbed into a Counterspell glow.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 20
succat's right hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at Nobody.
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat flailingly half-claps with his right hand.
The haze of an enchantment spell drifts aimlessly over the circle, and dissipates.
Turn 21
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Cause Light Wounds at succat.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat stabs with his right hand.
succat casts Magic Missile at BioLogIn.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
Wounds appear all over succat's body!
succat attacks BioLogIn for 1 damage.
Turn 22
succat's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Shield at himself.
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat waves his right hand.
succat casts Charm Monster at himself.
succat ignores succat's appeal to his baser instincts.
BioLogIn is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 23
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his right hand.
succat waves his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 24
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat waves his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Counter Spell at BioLogIn.
BioLogIn is covered by a magical glowing shield.
Turn 25
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn waves his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
BioLogIn casts Summon Troll at himself.
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Counter Spell at BioLogIn.
BioLogIn is covered by a magical glowing shield.
BioLogIn's Troll is absorbed into a Counterspell glow.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 26
succat's right hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn waves his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat points the digit of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat casts Magic Missile at BioLogIn.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
BioLogIn is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
Turn 27
succat's right hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at Nobody.
BioLogIn casts Protection at himself.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat points the digit of his right hand.
succat casts Charm Monster at himself.
BioLogIn is surrounded by a thick shimmering shield.
The haze of an enchantment spell drifts aimlessly over the circle, and dissipates.
succat ignores succat's appeal to his baser instincts.
Turn 28
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
BioLogIn casts Counter Spell at himself.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn is covered by a magical glowing shield.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 29
succat's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn waves his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat flailingly half-claps with his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 30
succat's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at himself.
BioLogIn casts Shield at himself.
succat flailingly half-claps with his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Nobody.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
The haze of an enchantment spell drifts aimlessly over the circle, and dissipates.
BioLogIn is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 31
BioLogIn's right hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at Nobody.
BioLogIn casts Counter Spell at himself.
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at himself.
BioLogIn is covered by a magical glowing shield.
The haze of an enchantment spell drifts aimlessly over the circle, and dissipates.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 32
succat's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat waves his right hand.
succat casts Magic Missile at BioLogIn.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
Turn 33
succat's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
BioLogIn casts Shield at himself.
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn is covered by a shimmering shield.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 34
succat's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at Nobody.
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
The haze of an enchantment spell drifts aimlessly over the circle, and dissipates.
Turn 35
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat points the digit of his right hand.
succat casts Cause Heavy Wounds at BioLogIn.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Wounds appear all over BioLogIn's body!
Turn 36
succat's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his left hand.
BioLogIn waves his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Shield at the monster BioLogIn is summoning with his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Summon Ogre at himself.
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Magic Missile at the monster BioLogIn is summoning with his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
Ochre Ogre is summoned to serve BioLogIn.
Ochre Ogre is covered by a shimmering shield.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
A magic missile bounces off Ochre Ogre's shield.
Ochre Ogre attacks succat, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 37
BioLogIn waves his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Ochre Ogre attacks succat, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 38
BioLogIn proffers the palm of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Shield at Ochre Ogre.
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
Ochre Ogre is covered by a shimmering shield.
Ochre Ogre attacks succat for 2 damage.
Turn 39
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat waves his right hand.
succat casts Magic Missile at BioLogIn.
succat casts Summon Ogre at himself.
Stinking Ogre is summoned to serve succat.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
BioLogIn directs Ochre Ogre to attack Stinking Ogre.
succat directs Stinking Ogre to attack Ochre Ogre.
Ochre Ogre attacks Stinking Ogre for 2 damage.
Stinking Ogre attacks Ochre Ogre for 2 damage.
Stinking Ogre dies.
Ochre Ogre dies.
Turn 40
succat's left hand is paralysed.
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat points the digit of his right hand.
succat casts Charm Monster at himself.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
succat ignores succat's appeal to his baser instincts.
succat shakes his head and regains control, as enchantments cancel each other out.
Turn 41
BioLogIn says "GG".
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at succat.
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 42
succat's left hand is paralysed.
succat says "Yes, a good VF it was!".
BioLogIn snaps the fingers of his left hand.
BioLogIn wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Paralysis at himself.
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Magic Missile at BioLogIn.
succat casts Amnesia at BioLogIn.
BioLogIn's hands start to stiffen.
BioLogIn starts to look blank.
BioLogIn shakes his head and regains control, as enchantments cancel each other out.
BioLogIn is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
Turn 43
BioLogIn points the digit of his left hand.
BioLogIn stabs with his right hand.
BioLogIn casts Finger of Death at succat.
succat stabs with his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
succat is touched with the Finger of Death.
succat attacks BioLogIn for 1 damage.
BioLogIn attacks succat for 1 damage.
succat dies.
BioLogIn is victorious!

Registered! BioLogIn(19)Health:5

Registered! succat(23)Dead.