




RavenBlack Games

Spell Reference

Turn 35 in Very Friendly (ParaFC) (Maladroit) Battle 90572

Turn 0
succat bows.
Vivitar bows.
Turn 1
succat says "You are correct in your last comment, I haven't given you evidence yet, only a logical statement. However, just to chalk it up to coincidence based on a collision also isn't evidence of anything. And I get that evidence != proof either".
Vivitar says "Given the extensive third-party evidence of the moon landings, I think the successful execution of such a flawlessly convincing hoax on such a massive scale would honestly be a far more impressive accomplishment than actually landing on the moon.".
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 2
succat says "man, you would like The Grid, weird conversations happen there too. But, regarding the moon landing in 1969, you think a tin can not only went to the moon and back, but people survived that? The hoax would have been easier then with their level of tech".
Vivitar says "Research on the giant impact hypothesis is still ongoing, but evidence has already been found. For example, moon rocks brought back from the moon landings (which did, in fact, happen) have the same composition as the Earth's mantle.".
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
Vivitar wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Vivitar waves his right hand.
Turn 3
succat says "Im saying that humans didnt land on the moon in 1969. Sure, they may have landed craft there, not disputing that part. How long do you think it took for the moon to start orbiting earth then?".
Vivitar says "".
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat points the digit of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
succat casts Magic Missile at Vivitar.
Vivitar wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Paralysis at succat.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
succat's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
A magic missile bounces off Vivitar's shield.
Turn 4
succat's left hand is paralysed.
Vivitar's left hand is paralysed.
succat says "I will read the wiki page".
succat flailingly half-claps with his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Charm Person at Vivitar.
Vivitar flailingly half-claps with his left hand.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Counter Spell at himself.
Vivitar is covered by a magical glowing shield.
Vivitar's shield blurs for a moment.
Turn 5
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar waves his left hand.
Vivitar waves his right hand.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 6
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar snaps the fingers of his left hand.
Vivitar snaps the fingers of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Invisibility at himself.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar begins to shimmer.
There is a flash, and Vivitar disappears!
Turn 7
Vivitar's left hand is paralysed.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
A magic missile bounces off succat's shield.
Turn 8
succat waves his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Summon Ogre at himself.
Black Ogre is summoned to serve succat.
succat cringes in fear.
succat directs Black Ogre to attack the monster Vivitar is summoning with his right hand.
Black Ogre swings wildly for the monster Vivitar is summoning with his right hand, but misses.
Turn 9
succat quakes in fear!
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat waves his right hand.
succat casts Shield at Black Ogre.
succat starts to lose coordination.
Black Ogre is covered by a shimmering shield.
succat directs Black Ogre to attack Vivitar.
Black Ogre swings wildly for Vivitar, but misses.
Vivitar fades back into visibility.
Turn 10
succat is rendered maladroit!
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
Vivitar claps.
Vivitar casts Clap of Lightning at succat.
succat is hit by a bolt of lightning, for 5 damage.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar for 2 damage.
Turn 11
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat proffers the palm of his right hand.
succat casts Cause Light Wounds at Vivitar.
Vivitar waves his left hand.
Vivitar waves his right hand.
Vivitar casts Magic Mirror at himself.
Vivitar is covered by a reflective shield.
The Cause Light Wounds spell is reflected from Vivitar's Magic Mirror.
Wounds appear all over succat's body!
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar for 2 damage.
Turn 12
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat snaps the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar waves his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 13
Vivitar's left hand is paralysed.
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat points the digit of his right hand.
succat casts Magic Missile at Vivitar.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar waves his right hand.
Vivitar casts Counter Spell at himself.
Vivitar is covered by a magical glowing shield.
A magic missile bounces off Vivitar's shield.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 14
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Charm Person at Vivitar.
Vivitar waves his left hand.
Vivitar snaps the fingers of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Counter Spell at himself.
Vivitar is covered by a magical glowing shield.
Vivitar's shield blurs for a moment.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 15
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat waves his right hand.
succat casts Magic Missile at Vivitar.
succat casts Cure Light Wounds at himself.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar waves his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
succat is healed.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
A magic missile bounces off Vivitar's shield.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 16
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at Black Ogre.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar points the digit of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Counter Spell at himself.
Vivitar casts Fear at succat.
Vivitar is covered by a magical glowing shield.
succat cringes in fear.
Black Ogre is covered by a shimmering shield.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 17
succat quakes in fear!
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat waves his right hand.
succat casts Amnesia at Vivitar.
Vivitar snaps the fingers of his left hand.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar starts to look blank.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 18
Vivitar forgets what he's doing, and makes the same gestures as last round!
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
Vivitar snaps the fingers of his left hand.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Amnesia at succat.
succat starts to look blank.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar for 2 damage.
Turn 19
succat forgets what he's doing, and makes the same gestures as last round!
succat says "Is there anything specifically in that article you want a response to?".
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar snaps the fingers of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 20
Vivitar says "If the moon landings were faked, why have probes from foreign space programs (who have no connection to NASA and no reason to lie) found footprints on the moon?".
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at Black Ogre.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar points the digit of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar casts Magic Missile at succat.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Black Ogre is covered by a shimmering shield.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
succat is hit by a Magic Missile, for 1 damage.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 21
Vivitar's right hand is paralysed.
succat says "What is the proof those footprints were from the Apollo astronauts?".
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Black Ogre.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar points the digit of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar casts Charm Monster at himself.
Black Ogre's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar ignores Vivitar's appeal to his baser instincts.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
Black Ogre can't move to attack.
Turn 22
Vivitar says "They're at the site where NASA alleges Apollo landed, and the prints match the soles of the boots on the spacesuits allegedly used by the Apollo astronauts… (cont'd)".
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Anti-spell at Vivitar.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar stabs with his left hand.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar's half-done spells fizzle and die.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
Vivitar attacks Black Ogre for 1 damage.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Turn 23
Vivitar's right hand is paralysed.
succat says "Can you show the bottom of the boots that left the marks?".
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar stabs with his left hand.
Vivitar makes no gesture with his right hand.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar attacks Black Ogre for 1 damage.
Black Ogre attacks Vivitar for 2 damage.
Black Ogre dies.
Turn 24
Vivitar's right hand is paralysed.
Vivitar says "".
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Magic Missile at Vivitar.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar makes no gesture with his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
A magic missile bounces off Vivitar's shield.
Turn 25
Vivitar's right hand is paralysed.
succat says "They match, but that all could have been planned and planted. If a machine could get there, they could plant items there.".
succat waves his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Permanency at himself.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar points the digit of his left hand.
Vivitar makes no gesture with his right hand.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
succat begins glowing faintly.
Turn 26
Vivitar's right hand is paralysed.
Vivitar says "Put down those goalposts. You asked for the boots, and I showed you the boots. Besides, a minute ago you were suggesting that it was aliens. Pick a story and stick with it.".
succat waves his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar waves his left hand.
Vivitar makes no gesture with his right hand.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 27
Vivitar's right hand is paralysed.
succat says "I don't believe in aliens. Advanced humans? That's another story. You made your case for the moon boots, that's true. I just don't think a man walked in them up on the moon 50+ years ago".
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar makes no gesture with his right hand.
Vivitar casts Remove Enchantment at himself.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar's surrounding magical energies are grounded.
Turn 28
Vivitar says "Well there's a lot of evidence that he did! Where's your evidence that he didn't? And no, 'There's no way they did that in 1969!' is not evidence, just an expression of personal incredulity.".
succat waves his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
succat attempts to make the spell permanent!
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar waves his right hand.
Vivitar casts Counter Spell at himself.
Vivitar is covered by a magical glowing shield.
Vivitar's shield blurs for a moment.
Turn 29
succat says "In 2023 we cant even send a submarine down to look at the Titanic without a catastrophe, and so 50+ years ago we send men to the moon and back in a tin can 6 times, and then us or no other country sends men there again in 50 years? Do the math".
succat points the digit of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Poison at Vivitar.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar points the digit of his left hand.
Vivitar waves his right hand.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar starts to look sick.
Turn 30
Vivitar is a bit nauseous.
Vivitar's left hand is paralysed.
Vivitar says "In 2012 the Deepsea Challenger made it back from the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The Titan imploded because OceanGate cut a bunch of corners on its design and construction. NASA did NOT cut corners on the Apollo spacecraft (cont'd)".
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Shield at himself.
succat casts Paralysis at Nobody.
Vivitar points the digit of his left hand.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Protection at himself.
Vivitar is surrounded by a thick shimmering shield.
The haze of an enchantment spell drifts aimlessly over the circle, and dissipates.
succat is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 31
Vivitar is looking pale.
Vivitar says "That "tin can" was a highly sophisticated (and expensive!) piece of technology whose details you can look up yourself, because I'm not doing any more research for you. The information is publicly available. You are being willfully ignorant.".
succat proffers the palm of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Amnesia at Vivitar.
succat casts Paralysis at Nobody.
Vivitar points the digit of his left hand.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Counter Spell at himself.
Vivitar is covered by a magical glowing shield.
Vivitar's shield blurs for a moment.
The haze of an enchantment spell drifts aimlessly over the circle, and dissipates.
Turn 32
Vivitar is having difficulty breathing.
succat says "That's fair. But with Nasa receiving tens of billions over the years, you would think the US or another country would have developed the tech to really put a man on the moon in 2024, instead of deceiving the world with grainy old movie footage".
succat snaps the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
Vivitar points the digit of his right hand.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Turn 33
Vivitar is sweating feverishly.
Vivitar's right hand is paralysed.
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar points the digit of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
Turn 34
Vivitar staggers weakly.
Vivitar's right hand is paralysed.
Vivitar says "They probably just decided it wasn't worth the money compared to probes, so they decided to focus on other projects like the Space Shuttle and the HST instead.".
succat waves his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Summon Ogre at himself.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar waves his left hand.
Vivitar points the digit of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Cure Heavy Wounds at himself.
Ochre Ogre is summoned to serve succat.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar is healed.
Ochre Ogre attacks Vivitar for 2 damage.
Turn 35
Vivitar starts coughing up blood.
Vivitar's right hand is paralysed.
succat says "Maybe. By the way, I'm just trolling you... I dont have a hard position on the moon, and I'm definitely not a catholic! Just having fun and prying out some responses :)".
Vivitar says "Also remember that part of the point of the Apollo program was to flex on the Soviets, who really struggled with their space program in the decades leading up to the collapse. Also, oops D:".
succat wiggles the fingers of his left hand.
succat wiggles the fingers of his right hand.
succat casts Paralysis at Vivitar.
Vivitar proffers the palm of his left hand.
Vivitar points the digit of his right hand.
Vivitar casts Shield at himself.
Vivitar's hands start to stiffen.
Vivitar is covered by a shimmering shield.
Ochre Ogre attacks Vivitar, but is deflected by a shield.
Vivitar's Poison is fatal.
Vivitar dies.
succat is victorious!
Ochre OgreHealth:2
Owned by: succat Attacking: Nobody

Registered! succat(23)Health:8

Vivitar(2)Dead. - Paralysed(1)