




RavenBlack Games

Info for Dubber Registered!
959 more finished battles to go...
Where are all the melee players?! C'mon, I have 5 melee challenges out (from over 3 years ago) and of like to play them out

Dear players who play alternate accounts - please show some spine and only play me with your highest ranked account, eh? I'm tired of losing to your lower ELO accounts and taking extra losses that way

,/, I, Dubber, am the
\@\ Elder & Figurehead
'/' of Black Rose

"Fantasy is true, of course. It isn't factual but it is true. Children know that. Adults know it too, and that is precisely why many of them are afraid of fantasy. They know that its truth challenges, even threatens, all that is false, all that is phony, unnecessary, and trivial in the life they have let themselves be forced into living. They are afraid of dragons, because they are afraid of freedom."
~ Ursula K. Le Guin, The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction

Attention n00bs!
First! Read the "Common newbie mistakes to avoid" behind the "Rules" link (top left)
Second! Use two windows, one with the "Spell Reference" info, the other with the battle -- toggle between
Third! Go read MadEroll's tips for playing this game. He's right on target.
Fourth! The default targets are generally correct, but not always what you think.
Fifth - Remove Enchantment **defaults to the opponent** don't be me and die >11 times because you're a spaz!
Sixth - when summoning a goblin (and another goblin exists) tell your gobbie to attack the other one (don't be me and lose your gobbie without taking out the other one)!
Seventh - in turn 4, after confusion, tell the potential monster to attack the opponent's monster!
Eighth - Challenge me if I don't already have 20 games on (friendly to learn - ladder to climb)
Ninth - when casting perm amnesia, be sure you have a defense ready if you will force your opponent to cast perm amnesia back at you

__________________ :|: Enervating Libation of
.-!-. Eristocratic :|: \\ _ // The
| K | _ Order of _ :|: \\)v(// Cabal
\_._/ ___ Mages __ :|: -\\_//- Of The
__________________ :|: '~~"~~' Phoenix


I, Dubber, am the ~Naked Partner Tequila Shot of The Sacred Order of Magickal Jellybeans~ and I vow to eat the lime flavored jellybeans out of your bellybutton last... mmmm...

Proud member of:
the Triple Digit Dead Club (started and ruled by the prolific Gentleman Warlock, Ozymandius.)
the Grand Band: Fight 1000+ battles to join (named by Ozymandius)
the Kilo Killers: Win 1000+ battles to join (also named by Ozymandius)
the Geek Squad: Win 1024+ battles to join us :)
the MM Club (Fight 2000+ battles)
predictable, risky, self-absorbed, paranoid

Best Scores: 1908 ELO, 14 Ladder, 29 Melee :: Best Ranks: 1st ELO, 1st Active Ladder, 3rd Inactive Ladder, 1st Active Melee, 3rd Inactive Melee
Interesting Stats: 0 warlocks have fought more battles than me, only 2 warlocks have fought more battles than I have won, only 5 warlocks have fought more battles than I have lost, only 15 warlocks have fought more battles than I surrendered, and only 57 warlocks have fought more battles than I have died!

Longest game: 59465 - 110 turns (against Widewitt)

At my 1000th loss, I'm batting 0.63 -- otoh, I survived 0.9+
At my 1100th loss I suck even worse :(
At my 1234th loss... I don't want to talk about it...
At 3000 games I'm ELO 1725 - so much for the glory days...
Also, woo, I've played the most games of a single warlock again...

Warlocks Archive:
Preferences:Prefers fast games.
Last Active:8 hours ago

Ladder Score:10
Melee Score:21
Waiting in battles:
84581 84980 85056 85058 85059 85060 
85061 85062 85067 
Finished battles:
90681 90959 90973 90972 91004